Friday, August 31, 2007

"Chicken Soup Stories"

"Hey Linda...did ya hear 'bout that there book called "Chicken Soup for the Menopausal Soul?"
"What? Speak up, girl, can't hear ya'. I blew my ear drums out while snortin' from laughing so hard at this new book I'm reading called, "Chicken Soup for the Menopausal Soul! Have you heard of it?"
Not only have I bought them and read them, I am now being published in them. Two of the stories just happen to be in the "Menopausal Soul Edition" I have also been recently published in the "Chicken Soup for the Brother & Sister Soul" If you have a story to tell it should be heard. Give Chicken Soup a try or maybe just go buy one of many of the books and see how you like them. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. There are so many, many, titles that you could choose from.
I had been going through some particularily tough times about 10 years ago and someone bought me a "Chicken Soup for the Soul". So many of the stories were so much like my own situation and I took comfort in advice, and, maybe it was just the knowledge that I shared it with someone, even though we did not know know each other. Wow! It was a turn around for me. Out of all of the self-help books on my shelf, Chicken Soup really hit more innings with me.
Then the newer topics came out and with each new title I could relate to it. They are still looking for stories for "Chicken Soup for Life's Most Embarrassing Moments", and "Chicken Soup for the Do-It-Yourselfer's Soul" Go on...give it a try.
Actually, writing for Chicken Soup has helped me become not only more confident in my writing but also in my personality. Knowing that I may, just may, help someone with my story, or better yet, make them laugh, lifted me up from the mire I had been stuck in all of my life. Thank you Chicken Soup owners, editors, publishers and contributors, for being a part in changing how I feel about myself as a new writer.
"Keep on scratching up the dirt in the chicken coop to find more stories!"
With many stories to come...