Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spring is here & new life is everywhere!

Today is a warm 24 c and the lawn mowers are humming steadily. The squirrels are running around wildly because the owner of the lot is mowing below "their condominium" of branches, holes, and nuts. I imagine they are deep into their little burrows with their little ones until this 'usual' interruption ceases and all will return to normal. The smell of the fresh cut grass is heady and memories of "once was" return to my heart, my soul, and my happiness. Through good times and bad, I always felt comfort with the smell of life.

The apple blossom brings me so many memories of where I grew up. The Okanagan is a place like no other. Everywhere you turn you will see miles of orchards. Apple, apricot, peaches, plums, & pears. We used to go to the farms and pick our own fresh tomatoes (still warm from the vine). We ate alnong the way because it was absolutely impossible not to bring up that juicy tomatoe to your mouth and bite into it as though it were an apple. We picked our own dills for pickles, zuchinni for relish, beets to pickle, jams to make. Summer holidays were very busy but we loved it.

We coordinated our family holidays and would meet at Mom & Dad's and begin our r&r by canning up to 8 hours a day for several days. We supplied ourselves with a years worth of preserves though. It was such an awesome treat for fall & winter. Those days are gone now but not in memory. The laughs, big meals, kids playing, and much love kept us closely knitted together.

The kids have all grown now and even though this tradition isn't followed as it had done for almost 15 years, I know that in my heart the families will NEVER forget those precious days. I know it brings me great comfort in knowing that I was a part of it.

I bring this to a close now as I listen to the still running lawn mower and I feel drawn to the outer doors to feel the sun upon my face. I hope your days are filled with sunshine and love as it is with mine,


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Greetings on this 21 ST. day of January 2010!

The fall & winter of 2009 has been rather an unhealthy one for me but I am beginning to spring back into the moment of wellness...finally. I have come to accept the diagnosis of my illness and do the best I can to live as 'pain free' as I can.

Our Christmas was quiet, which is exactly how we like it. My son-in-law's Mother was in from Miami to celebrate his graduation from the 'school of culinary arts'. He won a scholorship and is now working in a wonderful restuarant downtown Vancouver. My daughter, her private chef, my son, & we two mothers enjoyed a Christmas cooked by Felix. it was awesome. For Christmas Day dinner we went to my sister & her hubby's home for a family gathering. There were 12 adults and 2 babies. What a wonderful dinner. The babies are beautiful.

I am -slowly- working on a book of true life experience short stories. At the same time I am also trying to keep up with requests for stories needed for "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and "Cup of Comfort". Anyone who can write can submit a story or poem or ten. I have been writing for years but I never shared it. Writing is a gift and a gift is meant to use and enjoy so why not share it? So many people in the world could benefit from your experience and bring hope, comfort, laughter...all the things that are sometimes hard to find in the modern world of media. I didn't realize what writing really meant to me until I shared it. I felt like I took my first breath.

Why not start this brand new year with your life experience stories that touch the heart of millions. You will be surprized how it may change you.

Any comments?