Saturday, December 22, 2007

Meeting Kaylanna

WOW!...meeting this little darling yesterday made my year! I didn't expect her to be so petite and her voice is what you expect in "little girls voices", a little high and angelic. She allowed me to hug her and then she handed ME a gift! Imagine that...she has all of this battle of cancer behind her that she has endured and yet 8 more weeks left to be fed radiation through a tube that has been inserted into her tiny little chest. It is amazing how she and her Mommy & Granma have come through all of this so strongly and positively. I am in awe of her. God has a purpose for this little one. Many may be angry at God for allowing this to happen but God does not create illness in those He loves...but, He will use it to help others. He is with Kaylanna, I recognized Him in her eyes.

After we were well on our way of getting to know each other, Kaylanna pulled up her shirt to show me her "shunt" that is inserted just under her skin. "Touch it", she said in her teeny voice. It was hard and looked square. She then explained the shunt to me.

"See, they give me a poke in there and then it goes all the way up my neck and in my heart" She traced the hard tube with her baby pure fingers and there was not one hint of fear or anxiety. I choked back a sob. The lump in my throat was painful. If only I had even a thumbfull of all of the courage she has, I would be a better person for it.

Kaylanna, her Mommy Miran, and Granma Patty, are leaving Dec.29th. to Boston for a two month stay for radiation treatment. Her little bald head is just growing back now. It felt a bit rough as I gently ran my hand over it. I quickly asked God to be with her every moment, every day, every night. Please join me in praying that she will not endure any pain or nausea while receiving this foreign substance into her little body. Her tumor has shrunk 80% but we are claiming a miracle! Yes...a miracle. Her story will be heard by many and it will give those who are afraid, courage. Those who are weak, strong. And those who want to give up...hope.

Please, if you need encouragement today, visit Kaylanna's Face Book Group under "cutie Kaylanna".

Women Unite