Tuesday, November 27, 2007

""Christmas of Pain & Joy"

Most often we think of Christmas as a time of fun, laughter, giving, receiving, gaining weight because of temptation, family togetherness and to some recognizing that the Christ Child was born unto us. To others it can be a very painful time of year.

This December 25 th. my cousin lost her daughter a few years back. It naturally devastated the family and it affected those who didn't even know Kora-Lee.

She was just beginning her life and was happy and in love with Matt. It was evening and the lake was frozen over and many years had found this spot across the frozen waters a great place to hang out, build a big bonfire and feel good to be alive in this beautiful country. Kora & Matt were a bit late in leaving the trail of skidoos. The snow was coming down in silent big fat flakes and as they began their ride it was like a surreal vision of white. They slowly made their way along the well worn path around the lake when all of a sudden their skidoo plunged into icy waters. The gang of friends became worried when Matt & Kora did not show so they back- tracked only to find broken ice and tracks that came to an end in the snow.

The search went on in the freezing cold weather...no matter what. Many, many people showed up for the search besides S & R. The family almost lived on the lake in prayerful hopes of finding their little girl who had just begun her womanhood. Matts family were right alongside, bonding with the grief that encircled these two families.

39 days later they found Kora's body. Imagine pulling yor little girl from this icy grave. My heart still chokes when I think of this unimaginable pain and horror that they endured. On the 55 th. day they found Matt.

For my cousin, husband, oldest daughter & Kora's twin, Christmas Day is a painful memory of that part of their lives they wish they could forget. Matts family will also suffer all of their lives from these memories. Please remember dear people that what you have today we must cherish for we never know what tomorrow will bring. Live fully, givingly, sweetly, and happily. Give up all the junk that prevents you from being completely happy and healthy. Today is the day to begin the first day of the rest of your life!

It was made known to me by a friend about a sweet little four year old girl who practically lives next door to me. It is her Grandma & Grandpa's home and she is there a great deal of the time. She was diagnosed with a rare stomache cancer that's found in young children. She had become juandiced last January 07 so she was rushed off to Children's Hospital and treated and diagnosed. She began a barrage of tests, needles, many, many blood transfusions, stomach drains, feeding tubes & chemotherapy which caused this sweetheart to lose her baby fine hair...oh gosh...need I go on! I can't imagine how her Mom & Grandparents cope let alone this precious little angel. Our town has had many fundraising events because of the treatments she needs. The latest being a fundraiser for a trip to Boston for radiation because it is not available in Canada. Kaylanna & her mom Miran must stay for 8 weeks. They are joyful, even though Kaylanna must endure yet more rounds of tests and radiation, because Kaylanna's tumor is shrinking. I don't even know her but I am totally joyful over this latest news. You will find her on Face Book in "Groups".

So with each breath we take, with each hug we give and receive and each time we are with friends, family, or passers -by...be a ray of sunlight in their lives. Show them your goodness and inner beauty from within you. Let this Christmas be the best Christmas you have ever had. Not just from buying gifts but by giving of yourself in love.

I am praying that all sad memories can be put aside for awhile on Christmas Day and that we will all be grateful for our health...and our life.

If you find the spirit moving you to help Kaylanna & her Mom go to Boston please make a donation to

The Bank of Montreal
224 th. & Lougheed Hwy.
Maple Ridge, BC

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas Memories

WOW...forty-two more days before Christmas Day! It is the time of year when people (at least most people) are filled with joy and excitement. Women are gathering their thoughts on paper to bring together an array of food upon the dining room table to feed her loved ones. Men are wondering what to buy the wife on Christmas Eve, and children...oh the children...they are what makes Christmas so excitiing. I remember when my kids were small and how my heart melted when I saw the belief shining in their eyes that Santa really did come! Those were beautiful days and are just a memory now. My kids are all grown up and things have really changed. The one thing that has not changed though is that they have not forgotten those days and that they see the importance of what being a family is.

Some people are not as fortunate as we are. The economy is at a low and it is difficult to get by on meager wages. Believe me...I know from experience. Some are not able to work, and some are alone. I never did like that word...alone. I wrote about it during the illness of my mother before she lost her battle to cancer after three long months. Later on, my children & I always tried to reach out to others, especially at that time of year. We would buy groceries and deliver them anonomously or donate money to a church. Some times there were places asking for a wrapped toy for a boy or girl. I remember well the meek Christmases we had as I grew up. One Christmas there were four wool socks hanging up with an orange and some candy inside. I was happy with it because it was something we didn't get often. Fresh fruit & candy were a real special treat. The socks were my Dad's. I recognized them from when my Mom would wash them by hand and hang them to dry. The smell of them were so clean and crisp from Mom freeze drying them and then bringing them in to thaw. I can still see myself in those days as though it were yesterday.

Later on in years we did get a present, but, I can't help thinking that right now someone is in need. The thought of Christmas coming is a sadness to them. Gosh...it breaks my heart to think that a child may go without. I wish I could save the world...but I can't. I can only pray that someone will outstretch their hand of friendship, kinship, and help someone they know who needs it, especially with Christmas coming.

What is your favorite Christmas holiday memory? Isn't it wonderful that we have been given this gift of memory so that we may remember wonderful times with family. I LOVE walking in the snow. I love the sound it makes as the snow crunches under my boots. I try looking into as many snowflakes as I can just to see if they are all different. I love the peaceful sound the white blanket brings. Christmas...how wonderful...how awesome!

Food! My comfort food for Christmas is mashed turnips, coleslaw, mashed potato, (my Mom's kind) & she always had pickled beets. For dessert there was always Lemon Pie, Apple Pie & Pumpkin Pie. This was much further down the road of my life. We would all pitch in and split the costs so that it wouldn't be so hard on Mom. My brothers were wonderful when it came to buying things for Mom. They loved her dearly. My sister & I would help Mom in the kitchen while all the little ones were running around our feet. The three of us would talk and laugh and whisper as we peeled, chopped & stuffed. How I miss those days. Since Mom has passed on it just isn't the same anymore. We have all gone our own ways and busy in our own lives.

I am already getting ready for my little Christmas time with my daughter, her husband and my son. A far cry from what I used to have with all of the energy, noise & constant loving chatter. My little family & I celebrate quietly. It gladdens my heart because now I have begun my own little family tradition...and we are happy with it. One gift, one meal, one dessert, and lots of laughs.

I used to have an appetizer party in rememberance of my Mom on her birthday which is December 15 th. Since my brother's suicide I couldn't host them anymore. My heart was and still is broken and I just didn't have the desire to continue this gathering anymore. Oddly enough, my brother's birthday is on December 16 th.! They also died 4 days apart but with 12 years between. This year I felt my heart change. I discussed it with my daughter and I decided that this year I was going to have a appetizer party. It wouldn't be as flamboyant as my previous parties were because of my strict budget but I will do what I can the best I can! My daughter is my "right hand girl" and she is helping me prepare everything. I used to be in catering, and cooking and baking were my first loves (so to speak). I used to put on candlelit dinner parties for 25 people without even one thought. Wow...have I ever lost my touch! My hands cause me a lot of grief with their arthritic pain and restrictions but I manage. Here is the menu that we have that is little cost, simple , and easy to make.

Super Nacho & Tortilla chips; The Keg Stuffed Mushrooms; Italian Deep Dish Zucchini Pie; Bacon wrapped mini corns; Vegetable Tray & Uncle Dan's Dill Dip.

Please email me some of your ideas for appies if you feel the spirit move you...0:) Sharing recipes is also a hobby of mine.

This menu is subject to change. I am a woman and we do tend to change our minds a lot. Right ladies...0:)Blessings to you all and get ready for "sharing, caring, & faring"
