Friday, October 26, 2007

"I Can Smell Winter In The Air"

The days have shortened now as the weather cycle turns to a chilly evening air. Ice is being scraped off of car windows and the heat is being turned up to a comfortable level. How blessed we are that we have the safety of our homes, warm beds, and hot comforting food to eat. Every day I give thanks for these beautiful gifts. I long ago stopped worrying about the things I wanted and instead I am grateful for all I have.

I love winter. Most of my married life, we lived in places where the snow falls were blindingly deep. At one time, in Terrace British Columbia, the snow was five feet deep, so when the roads were plowed, it was like driving into a snow tunnel! The tires were silent on the white packed roads and it was a feeling of awesome and unexplainable peace. Walking in it as the snow fell in huge fluffy flakes was as though the heavens opened up a feather pillow and let loose the down filled stuffing. My children loved being out in it except for the fact that I bound them up so warmly and tightly that it was almost impossible for my four year old daughter to stand on her own while mummified in her "snow snoot" (as she called it in her little girl talk). Her brother got quite a laugh out of watching her fall backward after he would stand her up again. What beautiful memories. Our bodies may grow old but our lovely memories stay fresh and alive within our hearts.

How about you? Do you enjoy winter? Do you enjoy giving yourself a day where you need not do anything and crawl back into bed with a hot coffee or tea and a good book? It is nice and healthy to treat yourself to "a doing nothing day". Life is so short and we never seem to slow down because today's day and age won't allow it. But, we can take a second look at it from others who have suffered consequences from not slowing down. I have never been very healthy and so I do and must take time out but I know people who have been healthy, active, eating right, but on the go a great deal, and they have had heart attacks or other health problems. So, how about it...crawl into bed with a bean bag, hot drink of tea and a good book. We may be in for a long, cold winter, so stock up on "chicken soup" (either to read or to eat)and snuggle up.

Happy Resting & Reading,
