Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Is Here Again

I have been involved with so many projects that I have not been faithful in my journaling. I was also reading through some comments about people who "blog" and I felt a little shy about returning because it is said that some people feel "bloggers" are 'vane people' with all the writing they do about themselves and their lives and who cares what happens to them anyway. I, in no way, mean to brag about my life. My only intention is in hopes that my writing would maybe touch the heart of even one person and open their eyes to how precious life really is. I love writing and I also find blogging a way to be in touch with people because of disabilities preventing me from venturing outside like I used too. Blogging also brought some beautiful attention to my little friend Kaylanna, the 5 year old girl with cancer.

I must sign off for now in hopes that you will leave me your comments on this subject.
Bless you...and goodnight,